
Home / Google  / It’s Now Easier to Be On the First Page of Google.

As the top spots on Google search continue to be dominated by ads, videos and other media, featured snippets, and “people also ask” suggestions, this update is helpful for regular websites. Google has now rolled out their continuous scroll feature for desktop search. This means that instead of being relegated to the dreaded “second page” of Google, now users will just continuously scroll down the page as SERPs will display up to six pages of URLs before prompting users to click on “more results”.

This is great for optimized websites, because it allows users to see more results before having to take another action to click to the next page. In a letter to Search Engine Journal Google said:

…we’re bringing continuous scrolling to desktop so you can continue to see more helpful search results with fewer clicks. It’s now even easier to get inspired with more information at your fingertips. Now, when you scroll down you’ll continue to find relevant results so that you can discover new ideas. When you reach the bottom of a search results page, up to six pages of results will be automatically shown until you see a “More results” button if you wish to continue further.”

We love to see Google making the user experience better!