Is Your Business Ready for GA4? Don’t Lose Your Data!
Google Analytics will be sunsetting their Universal Analytics properties starting July 1 2023 – is your business ready for the switch?
Businesses should be creating their GA4 properties as soon as possible so that they will have year over year data by the time their Universal Analytics (UA) properties stop collecting data.
What will happen to my current Google Analytics profile?
You don’t have to choose between Universal Analytics (UA) and GA4, at least not yet, and we recommend having both set up at the same time while your GA4 property starts collecting data.
How is GA4 different from UA?
There are a few ways that GA4 is different than UA. Predominately, the way that they track and collect data. While UA has a session-based data model that records groups of hits for a user in a given time period, GA4 utilizes an event-based model that tracks a group of events for a user in a given time period. GA4 focuses more on engaged users than just total volume.
How do I get GA4?
If you already have a Google Analytics UA profile set up, you should see a notification across the top telling you that you need to get going on GA4 setup. The setup assistant is easy to use and will automatically link your new GA4 to your existing UA. However, depending on your current setup you may need to place tags on your site or do some additional setup to get your data stream flowing. You will also want to link up your Google Ads account, Google Search Console, and even import your conversions from UA.
Does all of that seem a little overwhelming? Crush Marketing can help! Contact us today to learn more and make sure you don’t lose your data in the transition.